Wednesday, 5 February 2014

05 February, 2014

Happy February, everyone! Hope you New Year is starting out well.

As you can see, I've been having a lot of fun making frames for my photos. I really enjoy it & the coolest thing, they are all free! I'll compile a list, with any additional information you may need.
This one has over 1,000 different frames, in a wide variety of categories. And they also have other effects, as well as the frames.
This site has a large number of frames, as well as effects, collages & e-cards.
They have tons of gorgeous frames. However, I did find that this particular site doesn't work very well with Internet Explorer, so I just used Google chrome, which I also have installed as a back-up.

And this one is probably my favourite (at least for now):
They do have a disconcerting number with foreign text, but some are so incredibly beautiful that I use them, anyway. However, if this is going to drive you nuts, there is a filter to eliminate those ones, if you wish.

In other New Year's news, I cancelled the bunion surgery at the last minute. I am not sure why exactly, just a bad feeling. I've been researching more natural health ideas & working on nutrition & losing weight. I discovered a really cool idea on Facebook, for reducing swelling. It recommends it specifically for swollen feel, but I have also found it works well on my hands & my sternum. And the only side effect I have found, is that it makes me crave salad, so that can't be a bad thing!

I've been pretty consistent with the exercise bike this winter, which I think (& am hoping) that it will help me stay/keep in better shape overall & improve my health. Who knows, it might even help with the weight loss. Bad news, however. When we had some beautiful sunny weather last week, I decided to see how well I could ride my bike (I had a lot of difficulty last year, which was one reason for the purchase of the exercise bike last August. I went down to the storage locker & discovered that someone stole my bike!! I am feeling a little conflicted:
So now I have to figure out if I am in good enough shape to continue riding, because otherwise there is no point in buying another bike. I tried borrowing a friend's, but he's much taller than I am, so his bike was too big for me to try out. So I am still working on this issue. Stay tuned!