I believe that most of you know that I suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI), a concussion, in a car crash 7 years ago. It's changed my life in a lot of ways & I wanted to share some of that journey.
I've learned a lot from other TBI survivors, several people I discovered through my own online research (the lawyer that represented me against ICBC, suggested it).
One is Micah Jones, she started "Brainsong, the Micah Jones foundation" which avocates for women with traumatic brain injuries. You can find her on YouTube, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DaWtcB9rUE
or her foundations website here: http://www.brainsong.org/
or on Facebook, here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/BrainSong-The-Micah-Jones-Foundation/187485431292692?fref=ts
Another is Melissa Anderson Wanna, you can find her video here:
I am working on a video for YouTube, as soon as it is online, I will add the link here.