Monday, 17 April 2017

An assortment of articles on different things. Mostly stuff I found on Facebook.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Hope those of you that celebrate Easter had a wonderful long weekend. I haven't posted anything since before Christmas, so I figured it was time to get off my ass & blog already.

It occurred to me that I should be sharing more of the stuff here, that I generally share on Facebook. Here's an interesting article on the rash of "religious liberty" & "bathroom" bills cropping up across the US.
A couple of interesting articles on women's rights as they are reflected in public nudity laws:

And something new & interesting looking on Netflix:

I just learned something cool, did you know that we can make roads with recycled plastic?

On a somewhat sad note, the author of one of my all-time favourite books "Zen &the art of motorcycle maintenance" has passed away.