Thursday, 9 July 2020

Thursday, July 09, 2020
I was in an odd sort of mood today, so I searched for, & organized a bunch of different articles, on a variety of somewhat related topics.

The only thing I can say about this article, is Parenting done awesome!! Way to go, Mom!!

These 2 articles gave me a chuckle, why does anyone have an opinion on what other people are wearing?

Did you know that it is legal for a woman to go topless anywhere that a man can, in New York, New Hampshire & all of Canada.

Here's another article on women's right to go topless.

I have to assume that Friday October 16 2015, was the slowest news day ever, otherwise why did Iggy Azalea end up in the news for wearing this outfit:
I mean yeah, it's beautiful, but seriously? Why is it news?

Here's 2 articles on Zoe Saldana & her husband Carlos Saldana (formerly Perego) defying social convention on marital names.

I have been married 5 times, I only took my 1st husband's name because in 1977 in Ontario Canada, I needed his permission to keep my name. Hindsight being 20/20 I should have seen his refusal for the red flag that it was. My 4th husband took my name & 4 of my 5 children have my last name.

Wow, I sure miss the 60's & 70's, when they were getting rid of all the dress codes. I think the whole thing is ridiculous & wrong. If you aren't breaking whatever local public nudity laws apply where you live, it should be allowed. And that should apply equally to students & parents. The Oregon NOW (National Organization of Women) dress code is an okay one (link is about 1/2 way down the article), if one is actually necessary, which it really isn't or shouldn't be.

Here's a few more articles on dress codes:

This one at least seems slightly reasonable.