Thursday, 25 January 2024

Thursday, January 25, 2024

To start off, Happy New Year, everyone! I've been meaning to post something sooner, but it's been a crazy busy month for me.

I've been dealing with health related issues, & moving stuff so my heater could get fixed. And my husband has just gotten into low cost housing in Bellingham,  so I helped a bit with packing & now unpacking, organizing, etc.

I remember reading an article in Summer 2022, on how they were anticipating an uptick in cancer diagnoses because of COVID. I actually missed my 2022 mammogram, because of my TBI (traumatic brain injury) related memory issues. And since I've been lucky enough to have a  regular doctor for the last 3 years, it hadn't really occurred to me how people who don't have one might not be getting all the tests & checkups that they might need. I used to write all that stuff on my calendar, in case I moved or switched doctors. And I guess I also assumed that the doctors at the drop in clinics would routinely ask if they needed them. Well, here's an article that offers a solution: