Thursday, 19 September 2024

Thursday, September 19, 2024.

I still have plenty of dye left over from my tie-dye experiment last month, so I picked up some more white shirts & tank tops at the Dollar Tree at 5 corners in Abbotsford. They were $2 each, so with both taxes I got 7 t-shirts & tank tops for a total of $15.68 

The 3 bottles of Rit clothing dye I got at Michael's was around $18 (I went online & snagged a coupon for one of them. And after both experiments, I still have about 1/2 of the dye left. 

I posted a video on YouTube, which I will share here. I edited 2 videos together along with several photos, using Movie Maker. Enjoy!

I've also designed some new blog banners using piZap. Let me know what you think of them.